What happens when you die? ‘World’s smartest man’ with ‘IQ higher than Einstein’ claims he has the answer

What happens when you die? ‘World’s smartest man’ with ‘IQ higher than Einstein’ claims he has the answer

Dec 19, 2024 08:41 AM IST

Chris Langan developed his independent study of the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU). He claims reality is self-simulation.

“What happens when you die?” is one of humanity’s oldest and most profound questions. Across cultures and centuries, people have sought answers, driven by curiosity, fear, and the desire for understanding. Chris Langan, who claims to have an IQ surpassing Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, has shared what he thinks is the answer to this age-old question.

Chris Langan, who claims his IQ is between 190 and 210, discussed what happens when a person dies in a podcast. (Sandym10, YouTube/@CTMURadio)

He reportedly believes that death may not be the end. He said humans should not fear what lies after death while speaking with Curt Jaimungal on his On the Theories of Everything podcast.

Who is Chris Langan?

According to Metro, Chris Langan is a rancher from the US. He gained fame on the internet through his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) thinking. It suggests that reality is “self-simulation”.

He describes CTMU as a branch of “mathematical metaphysics”. According to him, the branch can be used to “prove the existence of god, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics.”

“What comes after death?”

According to Langan, “death might be a shift in the ‘syntax’ of existence.” This means that he thinks death is moving to another dimension from the present.

He described death as being about leaving behind one’s body, instead of ceasing to exist. “That’s the termination of your relationship with your particular physical body that you have at this present time,” Langan said.

“When you are retracted from this reality, you go back up toward the origin of reality. You can be provided with a substitute body, another kind of terminal body that allows you to keep on existing,” he added.

“Memories of previous life”

Langan further expressed that after moving to another “dimension,” one might forget about one’s old physical life. He said this is because one is ” in a state of meditation.”

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