Amazing moment pedestrian leaps into the air to avoid full impact when Ford Fiesta mounts pavement – before driver casually gets out of car and walks away

Amazing moment pedestrian leaps into the air to avoid full impact when Ford Fiesta mounts pavement – before driver casually gets out of car and walks away

This is the moment a pedestrian was flung into the air before being knocked to the ground by a car mounting the pavement.

Mridhul Kombara, 35, was hit by a white Ford Fiesta when the vehicle suddenly veered onto the pavement, but avoided the full force of the impact after attempting to jump out of the way.

Footage shows Mridhul, wearing a brown jacket and jeans walking along the path before the out-of-control car smashes into him and a lamp post, severely damaging its bonnet in the process.

He was rushed to University Hospital Coventry where he was found to have a fracture on his left ankle and injuries in his hips, legs and shoulder, the Sun reported.

The father-of-one, who works in IT, said he had been left ‘traumatised’ by the freak incident, which occurred while he was walking to a restaurant to meet friends.

He said: ‘Someone was looking out for me that day, it’s a miracle I wasn’t more hurt.’

Mridhul initially believed the car was pulling up to park at the side of the road, before he realised its speed wasn’t decreasing and was then thrown up by the bonnet of the car.

The driver of the car, who remains unknown, is shown leaving his car and running away from the scene without apologising to the victim.

The moment pedestrian Mridhul Kombara was flung in the air by a car in a hit and run incident

Passers-by assisted the victim and called for an ambulance, while the driver of the white Ford Fiesta simply left his car and fled the scene.

Passers-by assisted the victim and called for an ambulance, while the driver of the white Ford Fiesta simply left his car and fled the scene.

Mridhul was luckily helped by passers-by and the manager of a local supermarket who came to his assistance and called an ambulance.

But rather than staying in the UK, Mridhul travelled to Kerala, India to have his wounds treated to ‘avoid NHS wait times’.

Mridhul said he wanted to know the identity of the reckless driver, adding that he would like ‘closure’ on the issue.

‘It was really painful, but I feel lucky to be alive’, he added. 

Coventry Police said no arrests had been made in connection with the incident, but that it was continuing enquiries to identify and track down the driver. 

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