‘You will die like a dog’: Gisele Pelicot’s daughter shouts at dad Dominique in court

‘You will die like a dog’: Gisele Pelicot’s daughter shouts at dad Dominique in court

Dec 20, 2024 08:38 AM IST

Dominique Pelicot’s daughter Caroline Darian shouted in court that he would “die like a dog.” Pelicot was yesterday sentenced to 20 years.

Dominique Pelicot was yesterday sentenced to 20 years in jail for drugging and inviting strangers to rape his ex-wife Gisele Pelicot for nearly a decade. Dominique Pelicot, 72, was found guilty of all charges by a judge in France. He was reportedly seen crying in court on the last day of his trial yesterday.

Caroline Darian, the daughter of Frenchwoman Gisele Pelicot,, leaves the courtroom after the verdict in the trial for Dominique Pelicot and 50 co-accused, at the courthouse in France.(REUTERS)

The verdict was delivered in the presence of Gisele Pelicot and her children, who sat stoically while the sentences were being read out. However, there was one emotionally-charged moment in the courtroom when Gisele and Dominique’s daughter lashed out at her father as he issued his final statement.

“You will die like a dog”

According to a report in The Independent, Dominique Pelicot’s daughter Caroline Darian shouted in court that he would “die like a dog.”

“I’ll never go to see you ever. You’ll finish alone like a dog,” she screamed.

The moment occurred while Dominique, in his final statement to the court, said that he never touched his daughter. “I would like to look my daughter straight in the eye and tell her that I did nothing [to her],” he said, as per the Daily Mail.

““If I had taken [the photos] I would say so, but I can’t remember. She will never believe me. I may die like a dog. I am not asking her to stand behind my coffin [when I die]. There won’t be a coffin.

“Even if she doesn’t love me any more, I will always love her. I know what I did. I know what I didn’t do,” he said.

Dominique Pelicot was on trial with 50 other men who were charged with raping Gisele while she was drugged. All of them received jail terms on at least one charge.

“”This trial was a very difficult ordeal. I think first of all of my three children, David, Caroline and Florian. I also think of my grandchildren because they are the future and it is also for them that I have led this fight, as well as my daughters-in-law Aurore and Céline. I also think of all the other families affected by this tragedy,” Gisele Pelicot said outside court.

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