Shocking moment baggage handler throws suitcases from jet in front of passengers at Gatwick Airport

Shocking moment baggage handler throws suitcases from jet in front of passengers at Gatwick Airport

A baggage handler has been caught throwing suitcases out of the hold of a plane at Gatwick Airport. 

The worker was filmed launching luggage across a Wizz Air jet, which reportedly caused some passengers’ items to be damaged. 

Footage of the incident was captured by a passenger on a plane opposite, who witnessed at least seven suitcases being thrown out of the hold. 

They appear to be launched from a substantial height before bouncing onto a conveyor belt and loaded into a luggage cart. 

Bosses were able to identify the aircraft stand where the incident took place and later ‘grilled’ the handling group working on the flight, according to The Sun.

Other staff then pointed the finger at the worker responsible and admitted they had been ‘at fault’. 

They have since been suspended pending a full investigation and will no longer be able to work on any Wizz Air flights in future. 

Menzies, who employed the handlers, apologised for the incident and stressed it had a ‘zero tolerance for this type of behaviour’.

Footage shows the moment a baggage handler was caught throwing suitcases out of the hold of a plane at Gatwick Airport

The suitcases appear to be launched from a substantial height before bouncing onto a conveyor belt and loaded into a luggage cart

The suitcases appear to be launched from a substantial height before bouncing onto a conveyor belt and loaded into a luggage cart

Footage of the incident was posted to Instagram in February along with the comment: ‘Free suitcase stress test at Gatwick’.

Other users were quick to echo their disbelief of the baggage handler’s actions, with one saying they ‘should be sacked for that’. 

Another person jokingly added: ‘This is the quickest way of doing it if you want your bags quick.’ 

A Menzies spokesperson said: ‘The actions demonstrated by the individual does not represent our standards, and we have zero tolerance for this type of behaviour. 

‘We can confirm that the employee involved admitted fault and appropriate action was taken. 

‘We continue to work in partnership with Wizz Air, delivering the high-quality aviation services they’ve come to expect.’ 

A Wizz Air spokesperson said: ‘Wizz Air sincerely apologise for the treatment of passengers’ luggage in a recent video. Such behaviour is not tolerated, and a full investigation has been launched to ensure it does not happen again. 

‘Although we take full responsibility, the baggage handlers in the video are not our employees, but subcontracted staff from our contracted service provider. 

‘The investigation has already revealed that the employee in question has a clean record with the airport authorities. They are suspended pending a full investigation. 

‘Passengers should be assured that this isolated incident is not reflective of Wizz Air’s usual high standards, and the person involved in the incident will not work in the airline’s operations in the future.’

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