Meet the family on the Derbyshire police front line

Meet the family on the Derbyshire police front line

Samantha Noble & Steve Beech

BBC News, Derby

Derbyshire Constabulary PCs Lewis, Lauren and Jack Clayton inside a police car, wearing fluorescent police jackets, walkie-talkies and body cams. Derbyshire Constabulary

The Claytons sometimes bump into each other at work

PC Christopher Clayton says he knows the future of Derbyshire Constabulary is “in good hands” as he begins to consider retirement.

The officer has been with the force for 32 years now but for the past five years he has been joined on the front lines by his three children – and their paths have often crossed while working.

PC Lauren Clayton joined in 2020, her brother PC Jack Clayton became part of the force in 2022, and the youngest sibling PC Lewis Clayton was the most recent family recruit in 2025.

The father of the trio said: “The sun is setting on my career – I think probably next year might be time to call it a day – but now I know the future of Derbyshire Constabulary is in good hands.”

Policing family in their uniforms

PC Jack Clayton (left) said he often gets mistaken for his dad (second left)

The 53-year-old added: “I never encouraged them to go into the police.

“It was important to me for them to find their own path.

“But once it started with Lauren, my middle child, then the other two tagged on, it has been fantastic really.”

His daughter joined when she was 19-years-old.

She told the BBC: “It is quite a big change from Birds Bakery to Derbyshire Police, but I do feel grateful that I have my dad to ask about everything.”

Derbyshire Constabulary PCs Jack and Lauren Clayton stood next to each other in a residential area in front of a police car. They are both wearing bright yellow police gilets, and walkie talkies and body cams Derbyshire Constabulary

Jack and Lauren Clayton both started as PCSOs before becoming PCs

The officer added she had called on her dad for help before.

She said: “When I have needed to go and conduct an arrest attempt and no-one was available to help, I sent him a quick text to see if he was free.

“Then he came with me and kicked the door in for me – classic father-daughter.”

She added her and her siblings hear a lot of “amazing stories” from colleagues about their dad “where he has helped them or had them in awe”.

PC Jack Clayton said he “idolised” the role growing up as his dad would come home and talk about his day.

So he applied to join the force aged 18, but without success and was in another job for five years.

He said: “Then my sister got in and I started getting a bit envious.

“I thought I will give it another shot.”

Supplied The four members of the Clayton family sat on bikes wearing helmets looking at the camera. There is a fence behind them and trees on either side. Supplied

PC Christopher Clayton said he and his children have some “interesting conversations and debriefs”

He added he often gets mistaken for his dad.

“I was at the custody desk booking somebody in and someone came up to me and rubbed me on the sides, and said ‘hello Chris, you’re looking well’.”

Talking about all four of them being officers, PC Lewis Clayton added: “I think it is quite fun and unique.”

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