Horror at ‘hideous’ modernist replacement for fire ravaged pub as new design is compared to a prison, a power station, and even a radiator

Horror at ‘hideous’ modernist replacement for fire ravaged pub as new design is compared to a prison, a power station, and even a radiator

Plans to replace a fire-ravaged pub with a ‘hideous’ modernist structure have been approved – leaving locals horrified.

Osborne View, in Fareham, Hampshire, was turned to ash when the building became engulfed by 10ft flames in February of last year.

The ‘radical’ £6.5 million refurbishment will see a glass-fronted ‘Grand Designs’ style building in place of the more than 100-year-old original.

The building blueprints were met with heavy criticism from locals who likened the new design to a prison, a power station, and even a radiator.

Despite this, Fareham Borough Council voted in favour of the application, after a planning officer concluded the ‘high quality design’ would ‘not result in an unacceptable adverse impact upon neighbouring properties’.

Reacting to the news, Sammi Lou wrote on social media: ‘Hooray. A new nuclear power station for Lee. Just what the area aesthetic was missing.’

The pub is regarded as a historical asset by locals and in the 1960’s was frequented by England football manager Sir Alf Ramsey. 

Plans to rebuild a historic beachside pub which burned down have been approved despite locals branding the design a ‘monstrosity’ which looks like it a ‘radiator’ and a ‘ nuclear power station’. Pictured: The plans 

Osborne View - named after the residential home of Queen Victoria - was turned to ash when the building became engulfed by 10ft flames in February of last year

Osborne View – named after the residential home of Queen Victoria – was turned to ash when the building became engulfed by 10ft flames in February of last year

The pub was famous for its garden and outside terrace with sea views

The pub was famous for its garden and outside terrace with sea views

The building blueprint's were met with heavy criticism from locals who said it was 'possibly the ugliest design ever seen' and the 'most hideous edifice'

The building blueprint’s were met with heavy criticism from locals who said it was ‘possibly the ugliest design ever seen’ and the ‘most hideous edifice’

It is also believed that members of the armed forces used to attend meetings in the public house during World War 2 and some of their boats were stored underneath.

A huge fire ripped through the pub in February last year due to an electrical fault in a tumble dryer.

After the blaze, many locals expressed concern that the building would be bought by developers and transformed into a house or flats.

In November, brewery company Hall & Woodhouse – who ran the site before the fire – lodged plans to construct a ‘Replacement Pub And Restaurant’.

But, the ‘modern’ look of the plans sparked backlash from locals.

Objecting on the Fareham Borough Council portal, one neighbour wrote: ‘The design proposed looks nothing like the old friend we lost and more like a public building or flash persons modern home.

Despite relief that the site won't be used for housing, many former punters have criticised the design

Despite relief that the site won’t be used for housing, many former punters have criticised the design 

Locals said the building 'looks way too modern', likening it to a 'prison or shopping centre'

Locals said the building ‘looks way too modern’, likening it to a ‘prison or shopping centre’ 

A closer look at the damage left behind in the Victorian-era pub

A closer look at the damage left behind in the Victorian-era pub

The pub (pictured before the blaze) is named after Osborne House, the residential home of HM Queen Victoria

The pub (pictured before the blaze) is named after Osborne House, the residential home of HM Queen Victoria

‘I object as it a hideous and out of character design.’

Another local, objecting publicly, wrote: ‘As a user of the old pub I believe it’s essential for it to be rebuilt.

‘But this should absolutely be in keeping with the aesthetic.

‘This is possibly the ugliest design ever seen.’

Others said the building ‘looks way too modern’, likening it to a ‘prison or shopping centre’ and expressed ‘surprise’ at just how ‘radical’ the plans are.

Some said the ‘monstrosity’ will stick out like a ‘sore thumb’ and asked why ‘architects feel the need to clad everything with matchsticks’

Disdain for the proposals was also shared on social media.

Debbie Sampson said: ‘Not at all what I was expecting! Looks like a hotel from the beach side, more like a prison or carpark from the road!’

Another remarked that the plans look like a ‘barracks or power station’ and are ‘nothing like an English pub’.

Sarah Richardson said the site looks ‘prisonesque’ and Nicki Silver said ‘it looks like a magistrates court’.

And, Jonathan London said the ‘architect was inspired by a radiator’.

Some 35 people objected to the plans with 39 voting in support.

One supporter of the application said if approved, the new site will be a ‘significant enhancement to the previous pub’.

‘This time there appears to be properly designed facilities to cater for the vast numbers of visitors that will flock to this pub with such a tremendous view of the Solent,’ they wrote.

Recommending the plans for approval, an officer from Fareham Borough Council wrote: ‘The proposed replacement pub is considered to be of high quality design and would not result in an unacceptable adverse impact upon neighbouring properties and therefore would comply with national and local plan policies.’

Fareham Borough Council voted in favour of the application after debating the matter at a planning meeting.

Firefighters continue to battle a blaze at The Osborne View in Solent

Firefighters continue to battle a blaze at The Osborne View in Solent

A look at the firefighters in action at the scene in Fareham after the fire

A look at the firefighters in action at the scene in Fareham after the fire

Locals took to social media once again to share their reactions after they heard the plans had been approved.

Jason Mudge said: ‘I hate the design but no doubt I’ll warm to it, I’m pleased for the area – this is a good thing.’

Rosie Tindale wrote: ‘I assume the planning committee room floor was hard to navigate with all the guide dogs led out on the floor.

‘I assume the committee were blind, drunk or a combination of the two to allow such a monstrous blot of a design to go through.’

Hayley Slattery wrote: ‘Great news that it is being rebuilt.

‘Not sure I like the design though.

‘Doesn’t fit in with it’s surroundings… just my opinion don’t come for me..’

Many locals expressed happiness that their ‘local will be back’ with several comments of ‘great news’ shared on Facebook.

Osborne View was built in the Victorian era and during the 1960s, Sir Alf Ramsey – the manager who guided England to victory at the 1966 World Cup – was a regular.

It is named after Osborne House – the residential home of HM Queen Victoria – which can be seen from the pub on a clear day across the Solent on the Isle of Wight.

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