Comedian Katherine Ryan reveals she’s battling cancer for the second time as she takes a swipe at the NHS

Comedian Katherine Ryan reveals she’s battling cancer for the second time as she takes a swipe at the NHS

Comedian Katherine Ryan has revealed she’s battling skin cancer. 

It’s the second time Katherine has been diagnosed with the disease. 

She made the revelation in her latest podcast episode, explaining: ‘I’ve had a mole on my arm – that I told you about last week – removed. 

‘The only reason that they agreed to remove it was because I went to a fancy private place in South Kensington and I paid them a grand.

‘I don’t know if on the NHS they ever would have removed this mole.’

Katherine previously revealed she  diagnosed with Stage 2 skin cancer and she now has a sizeable scar on her thigh where a chunk of flesh the size of a golf ball was removed.

She said previously: ‘The cancer wasn’t that serious. It wasn’t into my lymph nodes, I didn’t have to have chemotherapy. 

‘It did recur, but it was easily dealt with. I feel like I was really lucky just to get that lesson, that little smack on the a**e of “Hey, wait a minute. Listen to your body, here.”’ 

Comedian Katherine Ryan has revealed she’s battling skin cancer (pictured in February) 

Katherine has also been battling Lupus and previously discussed her struggle with the disease – having first experienced symptoms of the condition back in 2007. 

She had just moved to London when she first began to suffer with sore joints, fatigue and rashes. 

In an interview with The Mirror she explained: ‘I had really low white blood cells, but no one seemed particularly alarmed about that. There was a lot of frustration with doctors who didn’t know what was wrong and didn’t investigate. I felt quite fobbed off.’ 

Following various appointments with an array of specialists, she added that she was told she could have ‘ringworm’ whilst another took a guess with ‘leprosy.’ 

Desperately Katherine visited A&E, where a nurse there first suggested that she might have Lupus. 

After almost a year of trying to get a professional diagnosis she was finally told by a dermatologist that she had systemic lupus erythematosus. 

Whilst there is no cure for the long-term condition, it can be treated and controlled with medication to prevent it from getting worse and lessen flare-ups. 

After her diagnosis Katherine detailed: ‘I realised life’s not fair and I had to take responsibility for my own health. Everyone’s different, but for me it was either I calm down or I get a fever, so the reward was high. I didn’t do yoga or mindfulness techniques – I went for a lot of walks.

‘I became really Zen and focused on the things that matter. I just didn’t sweat the small stuff any more.’

The actress believed that stress was a contributing factor to the cause of her lupus and has since successfully managed her condition by focussing on de-stressing.

After suffering a series of tragic miscarriages Katherine began taking medication again in 2020, but admitted that she was ‘just guessing’ that it was an autoimmune response. 

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