Bible sales soar 87 per cent within five years thanks largely to newfound spirituality among Gen Z

Bible sales soar 87 per cent within five years thanks largely to newfound spirituality among Gen Z

Would you Adam and Eve it – Bible sales are rocketing thanks to Generation Z’s growing sense of spirituality.

Revenue from sales in Britain grew by 87 per cent between 2019 and 2024, from £2.6million to more than £5million – and experts claim much of this is down to those born between 1997 and 2012.

Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Anglican bishop of Rochester who converted to Catholicism, said: ‘Gen Z has got over that hump of the baby boomers in the Sixties who were rejecting Christianity.

‘They are open to spirituality, and quite open to the figure of Jesus. A lot are coming for confirmation, and young adults are being baptised.’

The sales boost was revealed by the Christian publisher SPCK. 

Would you Adam and Eve it – Bible sales are rocketing thanks to Generation Z’s growing sense of spirituality. Pictured: File photo 

Dr Michael Nazir-Ali (pictured), the former Anglican bishop of Rochester who converted to Catholicism, said: 'Gen Z has got over that hump of the baby boomers in the Sixties who were rejecting Christianity'

Dr Michael Nazir-Ali (pictured), the former Anglican bishop of Rochester who converted to Catholicism, said: ‘Gen Z has got over that hump of the baby boomers in the Sixties who were rejecting Christianity’

Chief executive Sam Richardson said: ‘Gen Z are far less likely to identify as atheists than their parents.’

The trend coincides with other evidence of growing spirituality in young people.

While 25 per cent of Gen X – born between 1965 and 1980 – identify as atheist, only 20 per cent of millennials do (those born between 1981 and 1996), and 13 per cent of Gen Z.

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