ALP MEHMET: Just wait for gun-toting Abu Wadee to use the Human Rights Act to stay here for good

ALP MEHMET: Just wait for gun-toting Abu Wadee to use the Human Rights Act to stay here for good

It is the stuff of nightmares. 

A gun-toting Palestinian from war-torn Gaza with murky links to a militant terror group, whose social media is replete with pictures of him posing with a Kalashnikov, an artillery shell and a menacing posse of masked men.

Abu Wadee should send a shiver down the spine of every one of us. How has it come to this, that a man with all the hallmarks of a terrorist has been allowed to enter this country after making his way here illegally?

Sometimes I wonder if there is a television in the Home Office. 

Have officials not seen the atrocious acts of terrorism meted out almost monthly by one radicalised migrant or another in Germany or France or Belgium or Austria? 

Only a few weeks ago, a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker drove a car into a crowd in Munich, injuring at least 30 people.

I suppose we should be thankful for Wadee’s malign bravado, for at least we know his background and where his loyalties lie.

But the awful truth is that there will be more arrivals like him, only they will keep their terrorist sympathies a secret.

Clearly, Wadee fancies his chances of staying in Britain, despite his hateful social media posts. He must know too well that there is little likelihood of him being detained.

He will be accommodated – in a four-star hotel if he’s lucky – given £40 a week pocket money and allowed to come and go as he pleases.

Even if his case for asylum is rejected at first, he is unlikely to be removed from Britain.

Abu Wadee, who arrived in Britain earlier this week, is a former key member of a group that has terrorised Israel 

Wadee (pictured in an Algeria flag) has filmed himself chanting about killing Jews and has posted a string of pictures depicting running battles with the Israeli Defence Forces

Wadee (pictured in an Algeria flag) has filmed himself chanting about killing Jews and has posted a string of pictures depicting running battles with the Israeli Defence Forces

Wadee's social media is replete with pictures of him posing with a Kalashnikov, an artillery shell and a menacing posse of masked men

Wadee’s social media is replete with pictures of him posing with a Kalashnikov, an artillery shell and a menacing posse of masked men

He will be given public money to challenge the decision in an immigration tribunal where judges and activist lawyers will claim that to deport him would infringe his human rights. The safety and wellbeing of the British public won’t come into it.

But if things are bad now, soon they will be even worse.

Having scrapped the only viable deterrent – the Rwanda scheme – Sir Keir Starmer’s government has given up trying to stop illegal migration. At most, it is trying merely to manage it.

Sir Keir has promised to cut the numbers, scrap migrant hotels and ‘smash the gangs’. Well, Wadee is delivering a defiant finger up at all three.

In practice, Sir Keir’s only real tactic is to go after those who are running people-smuggling operations. The migrants themselves will be untouchable – even if they are criminals and terrorists. But why are we putting up with it?

Everyone arriving illegally should be detained while we investigate their background. If they have a history of criminality or violence, or can’t provide proof of their character, they should be automatically returned to whence they came.

And if we have to resile from the European Court of Human Rights and repeal the Human Rights Act to achieve this, then so be it.

Only then will migrants like Abu Wadee stop laughing at us. 

Alp Mehmet is Chairman of Migration Watch UK

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